Soul Activation: Part 1

Soul Activation

One of the main goals of the control matrix is soul suppression. The Powers That Be do not want you to realize how powerful you really are or to experience your connection to the God force. Toward that end they use media, education, the news, music and movies, the food you eat and the medications you take to program your subconscious to believe that you are less than you are. If you don’t believe this is true just look around you. People are dumbed down from food with little to no nutritional value, too much TV, a bad educational system and pharmaceutical drugs. Seventy percent of Americans are now obese and seventy percent of Americans now take at least one prescription drug. There are more single mothers in their twenties than married women in their twenties. Random killings and mass murders are now the norm, not the exception. America is full of fear. People are scared of the future and worried about what awful thing might happen today, and if not today, tomorrow.

When you’re caught up in fear you can’t expand your mind, reach for the stars, unleash your intuition or create the reality you want to experience. When you’re caught up in fear your power and clarity shrivel up and desert you. Sound judgment evades you. Fear makes you feel less than you are. Feeling less than is the goal of the control matrix and is a major reason why our country and the world have become increasingly unstable. This is NOT accidental. It’s part of a malicious and secret agenda to weaken America, destabilize society, destroy the family, wipe out the middle class and control the world. Seven days before John F. Kennedy was assassinated he said this: “There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot.” Kennedy was murdered for daring to try to save America. That diabolical plot he dared to speak of continues to this day.

So now we ask, given all that is happening in our world, and despite all the efforts of the corporate elite to terrorize us, what can we do to elevate our lives and restore our country to its greatness? At first glance, the task appears hopeless. It is typical to feel powerless in the face of an overwhelming force that has been organized to intimidate us, fill us with fear and make us feel much less than we really are. They control the military, the police and the government. We only have ourselves.

The first thing to realize is that the situation is not hopeless and we are not powerless. That’s the illusion they’re trying desperately to sell us. Don’t buy into the lies they spin to undermine us. The first thing to do is get centered, grounded and clear. Here’s a simple exercise that will do that.


Four inches below the navel there’s an acupuncture point called tantien, the cauldron. Place your index finger just under your navel. Tantien is located where your little finger touches your abdomen. Breathing with your diaphragm, breathe in and out from this point. Try to keep your mind focused on this point. Every time you find your mind wandering bring it back to this point. Inhale then exhale. Count each exhale up to the tenth repitition. Then start the series over again. At about the nine minute mark you will experience a shift in your nervous system. This shift will leave you incredibly peaceful, energized and clear. When this happens you will no longer have to work at the exercise. It will become easy and natural. In fact, it will feel like it is doing you and you will want to continue in this mode indefinitely. Do it for up to fifteen minutes.

Now focus on your heart. See it as a radiant center of golden light. Fill your body and mind with golden light. Now send a beam of gold light from the center of your forehead to those you love deeply. When you are done, send gold light to all those who have hurt you and who you have not forgiven or released from your life. Forgive them. Release them. Let them go. Holding on to them hurts you, not them. Forgiveness is about freedom, strength and new opportunities. Holding on to grievances is about self -undoing and remaining stuck in darkness. You can’t move forward while you are holding on to past hurts. It takes strength to forgive and let go. Bur when you do you will have more strength and power than you could imagine. You will be free to create a better life.

To be continued in Soul Activation Part 2: Secrets of the Law of Attraction

How to Make a Difference

Forms of Service

Assuming that we wish to elevate our lives, increase the positive energy in our spiritual account, and do what we can to safeguard our future, what then is the best way to serve? If we wish to serve and elevate our lives, the first thing we should do is begin at the beginning. We don’t have to change our job, enter the priesthood, take a vow of poverty, dedicate our life to helping the poor, or lead a nation to freedom. We don’t have to be a saint or a superman.

In fact, we don’t have to do, or be, anyone special. We just need to adjust our attitude. The first change we need to make is subtle and simple. We should try to be helpful to those around us, at home, at work, and wherever we go. Remember the golden rule, and do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.

If we do that conscientiously every day, our realm of service will grow because our opening to unconditional love will grow through the service we render. If we give others love and kindness, we eventually become love and kindness. If we accept others for who they are, we begin to accept ourselves for who we really are. The good news about service is this: we become what we give.
As we open to unconditional love through service, we may find ourselves led to serve in other ways. If we listen to our inner self, we will always be led to the form of service that is in harmony with our nature and satisfies our own needs for growth. If it feels right internally in either our heart or our solar plexus, it will be the right thing for us to do. If it feels wrong, if we get a feeling of discomfort or a sense of danger or the distinct impression that we should stay away, then we should. In order to follow our intuitive promptings, it is important to learn to trust our inner feelings.

Karma and the Long Term

The Selfish Agenda

While karmic acts may initially help us satisfy a selfish agenda and achieve short-term success, in the long-term those same acts will bring us to a far different conclusion. In the end, karmic success dissipates, just as it dissipated for Richard Nixon, and we are left unprotected and exposed with no alternative but to face the long-term consequences of our actions. When the long-term reversal of fortune occurs, an endless nightmare often replaces a relatively short period of prosperity, and a deep depression may displace our former sense of invincibility.

The Law of Consequences

Ultimately, the Law of Consequences forces us to learn a hard lesson. We get away with nothing. There is always a price to pay for creating negative karma, and we never know when, or how, that bill will be presented to us. We control what we do, but we do not control what will happen to us as a result of what we have done. The Law of Consequences always has the last word and in that regard, it is far more powerful than we are. The invisible world of energy and principle rules much of what happens in the visible world. The wise course of action is to serve our highest interests, rather than scheming and plotting in the service of our greed.

The Karmic Highway

The Fool and the Karmic Highway

The foolish person ignores the correlation between action and consequence. Instead, he proceeds down the karmic highway where most other people, also ignorant of spiritual law, join him. The karmic highway is a perpetual traffic jam, full of angry people jostling for position. No one goes very fast on that highway, but everyone tries to do so nevertheless.

Going Nowhere

The wise person watches life unfolding on the karmic highway and wonders why so many people are in such a determined rush to go nowhere. They certainly aren’t at peace or very happy, yet despite their unhappiness, they refuse to change. The wise person knows that when we create more negative karma, we generate more schisms between our soul and our ego. These schisms take us farther away from our true nature. The farther we travel from our true nature, the harder it is to return and the longer it will take us to do so.

Separation From Our True Nature

Since the act of creating negative karma separates us from our true nature, it also destroys our capacity to be in the present moment. As a result, when we choose the way of karma over the path of service, three things happen and none of them are very good. We endanger our connection to our true nature. We lose our coherence with the present moment, and we deplete what credits may still remain in our spiritual bank account. Going down the karmic highway puts at risk everything we may have achieved in the right way. The outcome of going down the karmic highway at best is life inertia. At worst it leads to dissolution and self-destruction.

Three Karmic Principles

The First Principle of Karma

Richard Nixon’s fall from grace reveals three important principles of the Law of Consequence. The first principle is that the energy we amass in our spiritual bankbook over our lifetime is more powerful than any position of power we might hold. Nothing will shield us from our karma when the time has come to pay for our actions.

The Second Principle of Karma

The second principle is that the Law of Consequences is infinitely patient. It manifests when the timing is right for it to produce the necessary effect in the life of the person who created the karma. Its intent is to shock the person who has brought that negative karma on himself into changing his ways. In the process of actualizing an individual’s negative karma, the Law of Consequences will often deprive that person of what he desires and values most.

The Third Principle

The third principle of the Law of Consequences is implied in the two previous ones. What happens in the invisible world of energy determines what will happen in the manifested world of experience. What we do in the here and now creates a mass of energy that determines what life will later do to us. Nothing happens in a vacuum or without consequences. Our past and present actions are connected to our future experiences. Those causative actions have consequences that will reverberate in our lives long after they have been forgotten.
The only control we can exercise over the future is limited by what we have done in the past and by what we choose to do now. The wise person understands the working of the Law of Consequences and chooses to live his life as constructively as possible. By acting unselfishly with honor, compassion, strength, and integrity, the wise person helps others, contributes to the well-being of the world, and guards the future.

The Power of Service

Service and The Present Moment

When our service is clean, we connect with other people in a deep way. That connection creates a sense of unity and purpose that shifts us out of self-concern and into the present moment, where anxiety, need, and attachment do not exist. When we set our own concerns aside, we create the present moment. We experience the present moment when we are integrated and the two poles of our nature, soul and substance, are in balance. When we are in the present moment, we feel whole and fulfilled, creative, energetic, and alive. The present moment is a psychological state. It always exists, but it disappears when we are preoccupied with self-concern, worry and stress. If we don’t find the present moment we won’t find our true identity.

Service as an Investment in Our Future

While service is a key to the present moment and to discovering our true identity, it is also an investment in our future. Service creates positive momentum in our life, our contributions to others becoming credits in our “spiritual bank account.” Those credits mean that life will reward us for our good works at a moment of its choosing and in a time when we might need it most.
The principle behind the idea of a “spiritual bank account” is that when we put out positive energy into the world in the form of good works, we will draw good energy back to us when we need it most. According to the Law of Consequences like attracts like. Negative karma will draw negative conditions and experiences to us. Conversely, positive karma will draw positive and uplifting experiences to us.

Karmic Actions

Negative karma guarantees that we will not evolve further until we resolve the problems our actions have created for us. Negative karma robs our life of positive momentum. The more negative karma in our spiritual bankbook, the less good will that we have to draw from, and the less protected we will be in the future. When we need help, there will be no help. Life will not support us because we supported no one unless it served our own selfish agenda.

Selfishness and Service

Selfishness and the Negative Ego

Selfishness is the product of one’s separation from his soul. The separate self has no connection to anything greater and more encompassing than itself. It sees itself as alone in a hostile world. It has no real capacity for love. If it gives, it will only do so to make it easier to get what it wants. It only serves to make itself look good. It is not interested in doing good works. It is ruled by fear, greed and desire and pursues its own agenda relentlessly.

The negative ego cannot comprehend the motives of those who have been drawn to serve others and is suspicious of those who do. Its only interest is its self-interest. It cannot conceive of altruism nor consider any action in which it will receive less than it gives. It does not know what the healthy ego is learning or what the surrendered ego has mastered. Through service, we contribute to the well-being of other people, and in so doing, we consolidate our relationship to our soul and deepen our own sense of unity.

Service and the Surrendered Ego

While service may be used by the negative ego to achieve its agenda, it is essentially a technique for transforming the healthy ego into the surrendered ego. By serving others unselfishly we pull down the Divine energies into our lives. It is the Divine energy working within our system that eventually fuses our soul with our ego. When that fusion takes place, the healthy ego dies, and the surrendered ego is born.
Those we serve may not reward us for our good deeds or even acknowledge them, but that is not the point. By serving others, we serve our highest interests, open our psyches wider to the Divine light, and quicken our growth. Inner growth is the whole point of service and is its real reward.

Health and the Liberation Matrix

The Foundation of Health

The foundation of health is the food we put into our bodies. The Control Matrix wants you to eat industrialized, processed food that has negligible nutritional content and is loaded with toxins, chemicals, and pesticides. The typical American diet leads to serious health problems and degenerative diseases. It often ends with a slow, painful death but not before the medical/big pharma complex has extracted every last dollar from your pocket. The chemicals intentionally added to the processed food in the typical American diet not only poison you over time but make you more susceptible to mind control. In fact, most Americans are mind controlled and don’t even know it. This is not an enchanted country. It is an entranced nation.

It’s important to take control of your health by researching diet and nutrition. There are many great resources on the web dedicated to health. I hope you are, or will be, taking advantage of them. Here are some recommendations to keep your body strong and healthy.

  1. If you don’t know your blood type you can purchase a kit on that will allow you to ascertain which type you are.
  2. Get a copy of Eat Right for Your Blood Type and eat accordingly. This is a fascinating and important book. Follow its recommendations and watch your health improve.
  3. Most vitamins have GMO ingredients. Any label that lists maltodextrin or ascorbic acid as ingredients is GMO. MegaFoods has the only certified GMO free production facility in the country. Their products are GMO free. I also like the Bioage line of algae. These are among the most nutritionally dense products on the market. They contain all the vitamins and minerals you need. They also clear radiation from your system and strengthen your immune system. I use formula F2.
  4. Don’t drink tap water. It is loaded with poisons. Get a water distiller or a reverse osmosis system. I have owned a Water Wise distiller for years. It’s an excellent product. They are having a summer sale right now at. If you can’t afford one of the products see if your local healthfood store has a reverse osmosis dispensing machine. Bring your own containers and you can get the water for 25-35 cents a gallon.
  5. Eat organic sulphur. This is a phenomenal product. Sulphur clears virtually all toxins from the body and increases oxygen to the cells by 20%. After taking it for just two weeks a torn muscle in my shoulder healed that had bothered me for many years. Sulphur restores and enhances a woman’s beauty and makes men more handsome. In my case, women have been throwing themselves at me. I have so many women, I don’t know where to begin. O.K., I’ve got to be honest. That’s a bit of a stretch, but a guy can dream, right? If you want to purchase sulphur, I have an impeccable source that sells high grade organic sulphur at an incredibly low price. Since I haven’t asked if it’s ok to put the contact information in this newsletter, just email me if you would like to purchase sulphur and I will send you the info.

That’s it for today. I wish you excellent health, a happy life and a strong clear mind. If you haven’t read my novel THE SILENT STEPS OF GRACE yet please do so. I believe you will find it to be one of the best books you’ve ever read. It’s a page turner and filled with multi-leveled life lessons that will help you elevate your life. You’ll find it on, and  It’s available in both hard cover and kindle editions. If you’ve read it, I would deeply appreciate it if you would post a short review on and comment on www.facebook/thetenzintrilogy.

A Tale of Two Matrixes

A Tale of Two Matrixes: Which One Defines You?

There are two matrixes that determine much of our behavior in this world. Both matrixes are hidden from view. Most people are not even aware of their existence. They are, respectively, the Control/Satanic Matrix and the Liberation/Divine matrix.


The Control/Satanic Matrix has been cleverly constructed with many complimentary components that work together to dumb down and entrance the masses. When people are entranced they are easy to control and manipulate. Hollywood, Cable TV, the mass media, pop music,  pop culture, cell phone towers and satellites  are all tools that are used to subliminally program and mind control the masses. Fluoridated water, nutritionally devoid food that is packed with mind altering chemicals, toxic chemtrails that are loaded with heavy metals, viruses and bacteria, not only destroy people’s health but open their minds for more mind control programming to be installed. Weak, confused and unhealthy people are very easy to control. When you’ve drunk the “koolaid” you don’t even know that you’ve been programmed. Instead, you think you are free and living in the freest society on earth. That belief, false as it is, is in fact, part of the programming.


Our education system is left brained. It is focused on memorization and regurgitation. Critical thinking is a dying art. We are not taught how to develop the right brain. The right brain is the door to oneness and universality. It connects us to the Divine and opens the secret door to our true power, the other 92% of our brain we never develop and which our educational system intentionally disregards. Keeping us from discovering our true power and depriving us of our innate connection to all life is an important aspect of the Control matrix.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the world are under the control of the Satanic Matrix.


The Liberation/Divine Matrix exists beyond the net of the Control Matrix that has been superimposed on the world. The Liberation Matrix brings light, unity and consciousness to the fortunate few who have broken through the many subtle snares of the control matrix to reach a higher level of consciousness and power. The question becomes how do you get there? How do you break through?

Here are a few suggestions. I’ll develop these ideas in future newsletters. First, tune out the noise of popular culture. Realize that most movies and pop music are vehicles for subliminal programming to be installed in your subconscious. Classical music balances and harmonizes your brain and body. Studies show that classical music makes you stronger while rock music weakens you. If you don’t have a taste for classical music, try listening to it when you’re on your computer.  Spotify has an excellent collection of classics. Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Pachabel etc are good for your soul.

Second, eat organic as much as possible. Avoid GMO’s to the best of your ability. Stay away from most corn chips. Over 90% of all corn is GMO. That means it has been sprayed excessively with Roundup. You don’t want that in your body. Did you know that most tobacco is also GMO and sprayed heavily with Roundup? If you’re a smoker you’re filling your brain, heart, lungs and other vital organs with deadly chemicals. Eat organic and drink pure water. If you can afford it get a water distiller or reverse osmosis system. Many nutritional supplements now also have GMO ingredients. The best all purpose, nutritionally dense food that I have ever found is bioage algae at ( and the Zija product line ( based on the Moringa tree.

Third, develop a daily meditation practice and visualize yourself in a violet pyramid every day. Violet is the color of protection. Also, try to exercise daily.

Fourth, find like minded people to connect with. Building community in these end times is most important.

Fifth, if you haven’t yet read my new book THE SILENT STEPS OF GRACE I urge you to purchase it. It’s an inspiring story about all these things and more. It’s a page turner and a life changer. It contains great information and clear wisdom that will help you in the challenging days ahead. You will find more about THE SILENT STEPS OF GRACE at


The Silent Epidemic, The Silent Killer


A good friend of mine called me in tears a couple of years ago. She had just returned from her doctor’s office. The results of her recent blood tests had just come in. The doctor sat her down and gave her the bad news. The tests indicated she had third stage cirrhosis of the liver. It was a death sentence. The doctor told her she had two years to live-maybe. I was stunned. How could that be? She didn’t drink. And then I started doing research. It turns out another name for cirrhosis of the liver is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD. And this form of the dreaded liver disease is now at epidemic levels in the US.

According to “Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the buildup of fat in the liver cells of people who do not drink alcohol excessively. It’s the most common liver disorder in Western countries and a key contributor to chronic liver disease.

“Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is fast becoming one of the top concerns for clinicians due to the obesity epidemic and its potential to progress to advanced liver disease, which significantly impacts on overall liver-related mortality,” Mark Thursz, vice secretary of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, says in a news release. “This data highlights a serious concern for the future, and the enormous increasing health burden of NAFLD.”

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with obesity, insulin resistance (prediabetes) or diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated blood fats.

Researchers found during the first survey period from 1988-1994, 46.8% of all chronic liver disease was related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. But by 2005-2008, this proportion had risen to 75.1%.”

My friend immediately changed her diet, eliminating all junk foods and hi-fructose corn syrup and agave which is actually worse for you than HFCS. She added dandelion greens and other herbs she thought might help and started losing weight. At her last doctor’s appointment the doctor noted she had made significant progress. He told her life expectancy had now increased another ten years. This time, she didn’t call me in tears.

Yesterday, I read about another study reported at that cited the use fermented turmeric in healing liver disease.  According to the study, turmeric reduced the elevated liver enzyme levels that are markers for liver disease.

With all the toxins we are all exposed to everyday in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat it is important to continually support and detoxify the liver. Turmeric is a spice that everyone should consider consuming daily. Another great detoxifying remedy for the liver is Zija’s special tea based on the moringa tree. The Zija tea is very powerful, pulling heavy metals and many other toxins out of the cells of the body. Zija is the name of a company that has pioneered a way to make the incredible full spectrum nutritional density of the Moringa tree readily bio-available for consumption in a wide range of formulations. When you have a moment checkout Zija.