The Power of Choice
Revelation and Redemption
It takes a very bright and powerful light to penetrate deeply enough into our system to reveal these lost, long forgotten, and troubled fragments of our experience. These pieces must be revealed before they can be redeemed. The revelation of our hidden toxicity requires the descent of a higher spiritual light into the depths of our subconscious. That light will reveal what has long been hidden.
The redemption of our hidden wounds requires the ascent of these toxic emotions into the light of consciousness, where they can be faced, felt, and cleared. Only then is the past redeemed and our system cleared of its encumbrances. If we do not heal our wounds, they will continue bleeding, robbing us of our power to be whole. Our wounds block our evolution. They place shadows of fear across our minds. They are the unseen chains that bind us to old agonies and prevent us from moving forward into a better and more fulfilling life. The most powerful and direct way to access these wounds is to focus the higher light of the spirit on the subconscious with laser-like precision and drive these experiences from the darkness in which they reside.
The Power of Choice
Everything that we have not yet worked out of our system must be worked out eventually, either in this life or a future one. The longer we delay that task, the more we prolong our unhappiness. The only power we have over our buried toxicity is the power of choosing when to face it. The sooner we choose to face our unresolved trauma, the easier it is to resolve the emotional blocks that hold us back. When toxic energy is close to the surface, it is easy to find and bring to our conscious mind. But if we postpone our confrontation with the toxic events that are lodged in our system, we unwittingly provide those events with the opportunity to burrow even more deeply into our body. If we don’t seize the opportunity to clear toxic material from our system as soon as we can, that toxicity will seize its opportunity to run as far as it can from our conscious mind. Our toxicity seeks to conceal what we need to reveal in order to regain our balance and accelerate our evolution. By hiding what should be exposed the negative ego maintains its control over our psyche.
If our toxicity remains concealed, our personal power will remain bound up with what has wounded us, and continues to wound us still. When our wounds control us, we have little power. We become more powerless and unhappy with each new wound. Because we lack access to our real power, the focus of our future won’t be found in fulfilling our destiny, but rather in repeating our drudgery. The legacy of failing to act is a lifetime of failure.