The T Zone

tzonePaperback – 153 pages Sales Rank: 4.98 of a total of 5 stars.
The T Zone will help you understand why certain themes in your life are never resolved, but keep repeating no matter what you do to change them. Now you can take charge of your life and increase your power. Read a sample.



whodoyouPaperback – 208 pages

Based on Alan Mesher’s twenty-five years in private practice and working on thousands of clients, this groundbreaking work presents a streamlined and accelerated path of growth that will help you elevate your life and stand tall in a dangerous world. Read a sample.


“Alan Mesher has a higher calling. I’ve seen him transform many lives with his wisdom and love. Just Who Do You Think You Are? is a masterful work that is sure to help all who read it step across the confusing sea of toxic emotion into the clear light of their real Self. It is an excellent book. I recommend it highly!”

“This is a great book with a magical combination of simplicity and depth. As I read it I followed an unexpected path from the conceptual to the experiential, from mental understanding to emotional transformation. No book that I have read before has ever evoked that kind of spontaneous transformation in me. At a critical time in my life it helped me make some healthy choices for which I am very grateful.”

“Just Who Do You Think You Are? synthesizes so many personal development and spiritually based transformational texts. If you want to understand how to live your life to the fullest, what is holding you back and how to move through it this book is a perfect mentor. I found the content rich and thought provoking. Sbbo many of the missing pieces to personal transformation are covered in this one book and the real-life case histories and examples made real, permanent change seem possible. I wish I had found it earlier on my journey!”