Whole Foods Market and the GM Food Dilemma

Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market

How Whole Foods Market Came To Be

I have recently returned from Austin where I lived in the 1980’s. When I first arrived in town Whole Foods Market had just gone into business with one store on Lamar Blvd in downtown Austin. The original structure was a simple cement block rectangle. It had one floor and was very basic. Despite the no frills environment  it was exciting and different from any health food store I had been in before. It had an in store organic cafe run by Martin Bros., a local concern that had teamed up with Whole Foods to offer a southwest gourmet menu consisting of tacos, innovative salads, and an assortment of beverages and smoothies. Nothing in the store had sugar. A few years later Whole Foods opened two new stores. One in north Austin, the other in South Austin. These were state of the art markets that were innovative and represented a design departure from  other boring supermarket chains that were not imaginative and offered no organic products. By contrast,Whole Foods sold healthy products and shopping there was fun!

Around that time, John Mackey, founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market, and his wife Mary Kay became friends and clients of mine. I remember John as a very decent and good man. He was earnest, generous and thoughtful. He was also the driving force behind the creation of Whole Foods Market. He is the rare big market CEO who has been in his position from the inception of the company. By my reckoning, John has been at the helm of Whole Foods Market for over thirty two years.

Whole Foods Market came into existence because of a natural disaster. In the late seventies the Colorado River that runs through  Austin overcame its banks and flooded the downtown. Four small local health food stores were destroyed in the flood, John’s among them. He suggested that the four stores combine forces. That idea was the beginning of Whole Foods Market.

Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market

Dilution of Quality at Whole Foods Market

Shortly after John opened the new stores in Austin he obtained VC money and began his expansion into Dallas, Houston then on to California and eventually the rest of the country. Along the way Whole Foods has changed it’s policies regarding what it would sell. With the VC money and the expansion Whole Foods needed to attract a wider demographic. Toward this end Whole Foods Market started selling many products with sugar. Then they started selling conventionally grown produce loaded with with pesticides and other natural products that contain genetically engineered ingredients (GE). Now Whole Foods Market is selling GM foods. Suddenly, shopping at Whole Foods is not so safe, nor is eating their salad bar or prepared foods, safe either.

For instance, I was recently getting a salad at  their salad bar in Boulder,CO where I live. They had one tray labelled organic corn and another tray just labeled corn. I asked an employee if the tray labeled just Corn was GM corn. He said it was, much to my chagrin.

GM Foods At Whole Foods Market

Now there is a big controversy brewing over Whole Foods selling products that have GM ingredients and not labeling them as such. My experience at the salad bar is indicative of that issue. How difficult is it to put the letters GM next to the corn at the salad bar? But Whole Foods won’t do that because it would chase customers away. You can no longer assume you are eating healthy food when you shop or eat at Whole Foods. The old caveat applies. Buyer beware. It would seem that Whole Foods Market has put its profits ahead of the health of its customers. Since the company was built on the idea of bringing healthy food to the public it would seem that its current policies are antithetical to its mission. Adding insult to injury, Whole Foods continues to charge premium prices for products that may be unhealthy. Most people buy those products assuming that because Whole Foods sells them they are both safe and healthy. That may no longer be true. Whole Foods Market is in danger of losing the trust and good will it has built up with its customers over the years. A good reputation built carefully over time can unravel quickly. Look at Toyota. Has my friend John lost his way?








The Angel of Death

angel of death

Angel of Death

The Angel of Death Appears

The angel of death is a theme in all religions and cultures. I recently returned from Austin  where I met with an old friend and brilliant doctor of oriental medicine, Dr. Alan Berman. Over  a very long lunch Dr Alan shared a story about the angel of death with me that is sure to captivate you. A client of his, a young mother, had a father who was dying. One day, she visited him and brought her seven year old son with her. Her father seemed to be failing fast. On the way home from their visit, her son, who was sitting in the backseat, had a conversation with an invisible friend.

“Who are you talking to?” asked the mother.

The young boy gave the name of the person he was talking with as if it were completely normal to talk with someone who wasn’t there.

“What’s he like?” said the mother, not wanting to inhibit her son.

“He’s twelve,” answered her son. ” And he has red hair.”

“What’s he talking about?” inquired the mother.

“He’s telling me about Grandpa,” said her son. “He said I shouldn’t be sad.”

“Oh,” said his mother, forcing back her tears.

The woman’s father died shortly thereafter. After the funeral, the woman spoke with her Rabbi. During their conversation she told him about her son’s imaginary conversation. The Rabbi seemed unnerved by what she said and looked strangely at her.

“Is everything alright?” asked the woman.

“I don’t know. In the Jewish tradition the angel of death is thought to be a boy of twelve or thirteen with red hair,” said the Rabbi. “The name of your son’s invisible friend is the name of the angel of death from the old stories. Until now, I always thought the story of the angel of death was just a myth. Now, I must rethink my conclusion. There is more here than meets the eye.”

The Other World

There’s another world around us that we don’t see. The angel of death lives in that world. That world is alive and full of strange comings and goings. It isn’t physical, but energetic. We are, in fact, energy beings encased in the flesh. Our body weighs us down and makes us less perceptive than our energetic potential suggests. The other world is full of energy beings, or souls like the angel of death, who are not entombed in physical bodies but are free (for now) of the limitations of the flesh. They come and go as they please.

The Perils of the Advanced Soul

There are rare individuals who can access that world and converse with it, like the young boy spoke with the angel of death. A young child is more open than a teenager or an adult who has been shutdown by the educational system, religion, peer pressure, and the media. People that are open to the unseen world are thought by psychiatrists to have a mental disorder or character flaw. Imagine if they spoke to a court appointed psychiatrist about their experiences with the angel of death. They’d be committed immediately. Their contemporaries think they’re weird. They almost have no chance to lead a normal life, unless they keep their knowledge and abilities to themselves. This subject was beautifully portrayed in the movie Powder. If you haven’t seen it, do so. It’s a powerful statement of the struggles the advanced souls among us have in this world. Humanity, unfortunately, is largely ignorant of its potential and destroys those who have actualized that potential. Humanity as a whole is tragically shutdown. People destroy what they can’t understand. They see what an advanced soul offers as a threat, not a gift. That is the destructive nature of jealousy. The angel of death speaks to a young boy who is still open while the rest of the world experiences a living death and calls it a normal life.

The world is a harsh place full of cold, negative people who have little heart and less insight into the soul of someone more advanced than they are. There are many advanced souls who come to earth to help awaken humanity and are destroyed for their troubles.

The Quest for Self-Actualization

Fortunately, we live in a time when there is a growing quest for self-actualization, but there are many traps and false programs that people fall into along the way. It is easy to get lost and lose hope. There are many false teachers and fake prophets looking to pick you off and pick your pocket. I hope that you are among those at work in that quest and I further hope that the path you are on is bringing you true insight, strength, and compassion.

The Poet Rumi

The famous 14th century Afghan poet Rumi had this to say on the subject of knowing that other world where the angel of death lives. The angel of death does not come to kill, he comes to liberate the soul from the flesh. That is why he is an angel. He is not to feared, but respected. Listen to the words of Rumi.

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. But he who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man, follow him.

I wish you a true path and a wise leader.






The Death Pulse

Forty Eight Hours

I’m in Austin Tx for a few days. I lived here in the 1980’s and have many dear friends from that era in my life. Over the weekend I had a long lunch with Dr. Alan Berman, a brilliant doctor who has been very involved in Chinese medicine for many years. He told me an interesting story about one of the many pulses a trained acupuncturist and herbalist can read on the inside of a patient’s wrist. This particular pulse is called the death pulse and it only appears forty-eight hours before a person dies. His teacher  told him this story. The teacher had a patient who came in to see him on a monthly basis to maintain his health. This patient was a successful businessman who was very healthy and blessed with great vitality. When this patient came to his doctor, the doctor read the businessman’s pulses. On this occasion there was a pulse that the doctor had never seen with this particular patient – the death pulse.


The doctor asked his patient how he was feeling. The patient answered that he was feeling great. The doctor then asked the man if was planning to travel soon. The businessman answered that he was flying to Okinawa the next day. The doctor continued with his treatment. The next day the businessman left for Okinawa. The plane crashed and the businessman died in the wreckage. What we can postulate from this story  is that the coming crash was in the businessman’s energy field at least 24 hours before the crash, and probably much longer than that. How else can we account for the presence of the death pulse? It had never been there before in any of the businessman’s prior consultations with the  doctor.

Enlightened Knowledge

Another thing we can postulate  is that the businessman knew he was about to die on a deep, subtle layer of his soul, but that his conscious mind was unable to access the information. It is said that an enlightened being knows the hour of his death. The story of the death pulse suggests that we all know the hour of our death but since we are not as conscious as an enlightened being we are not in touch with the information or able to access that information.       I

The Curse of GM Food

GM Food

GM Foods and Monsanto

GM food is dangerous and detrimental to your health. Monsanto, the main instigator of the corporate GM food movement would have you believe otherwise. Monsanto wants you to believe that  GM food is safe and healthy. Monsanto wants you to believe that GM food is the answer to feeding the burgeoning world population.

Really? Does Monsanto really think that we are all sufficiently dumbed down to fall for  their disinformation campaign. Here are just a few  startling facts about the dangers of GM food.

1. When animals were fed GM corn and soy for 30-90 days they suffered liver and kidney disruption.

2. Rodents fed GM soy became sterile. Within two generations their rate of infant mortality grew 500%. By the third generation they were completely sterile.

3. For many years in an Indian village buffalo grazed on harvested cotton plants without incident. Then GM cotton seeds were planted. Within days of grazing on GM cotton all 13 Buffalo were dead.

GM Food

Depopulation Agenda


Far from feeding the world’s population GM food will make humanity sterile and quickly reduce the world’s population. This fits the elite’s plan for de-population. The Georgia Guide Stones speak of a world with a maximum population of 500,000,000.

GM Food and Depopulation

Alex Gray's portrait of Obama

Obama and Monsanto

Monsanto and the curse of GM food is part of this plan. In 2009 Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s attorney, was appointed by Obama to a new position, Deputy Commissioner of US Food Safety. Taylor was responsible for the FDA’s GM food policy. How’s that for a conflict of interest?

It seems obvious that Monsanto’s interests in the proliferation of GM food are backed by the Obama adminstration. The GM food policy is is just another example of government and corporate collusion to the great detriment of the American People.

Obama has greased the way for GM food to be ubiquitous in the American diet. Over 90 percent of all soy and corn raised in this country is GM food. Most wheat is GM food.

Obama also recently signed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which declares America a battlefield and every American citizen an enemy combatant. The NDAA gives the government the authority to arrest any American suspected of engaging in terrorist activities without recourse to a trial or  legal representation. Anyone arrested under this law can be detained indefinitely.

The Agenda Continues

George W Bush brought us The Patriot Act which shredded many of our civil liberties. With the NDAA, Obama has  continued this disturbing trend.

In many ways, it seems not to matter who is the President of the United States. The  agenda toward fascism, corporate and government collusion, central control, and a police state rolls forward no matter which party is in the White House. The GM food policy is more proof of this disturbing trend.



Pygmies & Presidential Politics

Presidential Politics

The Republican Frontrunners

It’s presidential politics season. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are poor excuses for Presidential candidates. Earlier in the week  it came to light that good old Mitt had placed tens of millions of dollars in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands so he could do what the rich always do, either avoid paying taxes or pay as little tax as possible. Now he wants to be President of the United States and wants YOU to vote for him. That’s his version of presidential politics. What will he tell the good citizens of this country if he is elected and suddenly sees the need to raise taxes as George Bush the elder did in his one term in office? Will he repatriate those tens of millions of dollars that are in offshore accounts so he can pay more taxes like the rest of us or will he keep them there? How will he play the the game of presidential politics? More importantly, why should we elect as President a candidate who seems to be doing what he can to avoid paying taxes? Is Mitt a hypocrite? It would seem so. That’s typical of presidential politics.

presidential politics

Newt & Callista, wife #3

Newt Gingrich

The news regarding Newt Gingrich and his version of presidential politics is even more disturbing. His ex-wife Marianne called him out on national TV. She said he wanted an open marriage so he could carry on his affair with the woman who would eventually become wife number three, Callista. According to wife number two, Marianne, wife to be number three Callista didn’t care what Newt did, so why should Marianne? Because Marianne took her vows seriously Newt, as you obviously did not.  Can you imagine good ol’ Newt being elected and a situation coming up that would benefit him and violate his oath of office? Wonder what Newt would do? Would he violate his oath of office like he did his oath of marriage? One can only wonder. More typical presidential politics.

A Despicable Question

In the last televised debate in South Carolina in this nasty season of presidential politics the moderator brought up wife number two’s accusation. Newt bristled and went on the offensive. Typical of the theater that is presidential politics, of course. How could the moderator believe his ex wife and ask such a “despicable” question?  Typical response by a  Narcissistic politician.  The audience, filled with Newt supporters, cheered their hero on. Otto Von Bismarck, the 19th century German Chancellor once said, ” Don’t believe anything in politics until it is officially denied.” Newt officially denied Marianne’ story. According to Von Bismarck that means we should believe her, not him.

Newt has a marvelous track record with leaving his ex wives regardless of his questionable congressional record. As Speaker of the House he was one of the House Republicans leading the charge to impeach Clinton. Never mind that his sins were probably worse. Nothing stops a narcissistic and hypocrite when he is pursuing a political advantage. Clinton got oral sex in the Oval Office. Newt purportedly got oral sex in his car. Dear Old Newt left his first wife when she was in the hospital fighting cancer. He left his second wife when she was diagnosed with MS. Clearly, Newt is not a man with a great sense of morality or concern for the well being for others. Would you really want to entrust the running of the Republic to a narcissist like Newt?  Are you sure he’d be looking after the best interests of the American people? His track record suggests he’d be too busy looking after his own.

Newt Wins South Carolina

Despite Newt’s marital track record and lack of a moral compass he won the South Carolina Republican primary, capturing 44% of the Evangelical Christian vote.  All those voters who claim to be concerned with morality and family voted for a candidate who has shown a clear disdain for both. That’s presidential politics for you. Play to people’s stupidity and prejudices and you will win.
Newt’s only allegiance it seems is to himself.  The hypocrite in chief was helped to the victory podium by his band of adoring fellow hypocrites. Oh, the lovely, rational world of presidential politics. A quote of Jesus’s seems pertinent here. “If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch.”

presidential politics

Ron Paul

Ron Paul

So here we have Romney and Gingrich,  two highly flawed hopefuls in the mean and spiteful world of presidential politics. Meanwhile, another Republican candidate Ron Paul continues to tell the truth about the Federal Reserve; the dangers to our economy and the future; the studipity and futility of foreign entanglements; and the need to restore our liberties and civil rights, which both Republican and Democratic administrations in this new century have systematically dismantled. Rep. Paul has been married to the same woman for  fifty four years. He is honest. He is transparent. He is moral. He tells the truth. And he is hardly mentioned in the national media. Yet he is a huge step up from the aforementioned candidates. Why do the pygmies get all the press and Ron Paul gets none? Because he’s honest, moral, tells the truth and wants to get America back on track. Those qualities are irrelevant in the current state of presidential politics.

The Global Controllers

The global controllers don’t want America to get back on track. They don’t want the world to work. They have brought down the economy, destroyed the family, made people obsessed with sex and degraded the moral fiber of this great nation.

In the coming election we will be faced with voting for a Republican pygmy or a Democratic putz. The choice is between horrible and terrible. Pick your poison. Either way the American people will lose but the global controllers will win, just as they have since the advent of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. Welcome to the death spiral that is presidential politics.

presidential politics

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson

Shortly before his death President Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act, said this: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

That’s presidential politics folks, where corruption and chicanery are the order of the day and always have been.





Karma and Accountability

Karma and Justice

Karma and Justice

Karma and Actions

Karma is real. Karma makes us all accountable for our actions. We do not operate in a vacuum. What we do to others and what we do to the world, life one day will do to us. Everything we do, the good as well as the bad, will eventually come home to us. Our actions create our karma, which will find us at some point in the future. We never escape that karma. Rumi, the great mystical poet of the fourteenth century, put the notion of karma and accountability in these terms: “If you cause injury to someone, you draw that same injury to yourself.”

The Golden Rule

Taking this fundamental truth of karma under consideration, our strategy should be to proceed thoughtfully and deliberately in our lives. We should be compassionate, sensitive, and clear in what we do and why we do it. Being deliberate and in control of our emotions is far superior to being impulsive and controlled by momentary desires. The wise person lives by The Golden Rule and will “do unto others as he would have them do unto him,” regardless of the way they have treated him. That way we create positive karma. Positive karma leads to accelerated momentum in our lives.


Negative Karma

If our actions have been destructive to other people’s well-being, all our attempts to deny our activities, discredit others, and distance ourselves from the repercussions of our actions will prove futile. You can never outrun or outfox your karma. Negative karma leads to difficulty, loss, and  sorrow in our lives. There is no escaping the long reach of the Law of Karma. The Law of Consequences, or Karma, makes no exceptions for anyone. We are all equal under that law. Karma has no favorites. God cannot be bribed or placated. What we do now determines what life will bring us later. We are all responsible for our karma and the impact it has on our future.

Karma and Free Will

Karma balances our free will. We can do what we want, but there are always consequences, or karma, for our actions. Knowing this the wise person always takes the highest positive path possible and creates good karma.

The Web of Life

web of life

Where Are We Headed?

The web of life is in grave danger. No one knows where we are headed, but we are running faster than we ever have to get there. Chaos? World War? A series of regional wars? The use of weapons of mass destruction? Chemical, biological, or nuclear attacks? Earth and climate changes? Pole shifts? Two hundred mile an hour winds swirling over the planet, destroying all plant life, most homes and buildings, and nearly all of us? Massive earthquakes? Volcanic eruptions? Tidal waves? Floods? Water appearing where it hasn’t been seen in cen- turies? Planetary warming? Gaping holes in the ozone layer? Famine? Chronic drought? Starvation? Plagues? Incurable infectious diseases? These are all symptoms of irreparable damage to the web of life.

Presently, nearly two billion people in the world are without access to clean drinking water. Two hundred fifty thousand new babies are born everyday. Estimates suggest that by the year 2015 there will be 8.5 billion people on the planet, increasing the present population by nearly a third. Virtually all that growth will occur in the third world where there is not enough fresh water, food, housing, or economic opportunity as it is. The additional population will become a source of new crises and increased conflict that will impact the whole world and further shred the web of life. As it is, AIDS cases are rising dramatically in the third world and are beginning to climb again in America following a period of slow growth.

Degenerative Diseases

In the United States, over one third of the population now has Insulin Resistance Syndrome, a leading precursor of diabetes and heart disease. Sixty percent of the population is overweight. Statistics indicate that one out of two Americans will contract some form of cancer during their lifetime. If we do not destroy ourselves through ideological and cultural divides, limited economic opportunity, war, lack of food and clean water, we may well destroy ourselves by eating processed foods, packed with refined sugar and carcinogens, breathing toxic air, and drinking contaminated water.

web of life

Global Imbalance

Unfortunately, what we are doing to ourselves is only part of the saga in the growing epidemic of global imbalance. The other part of the story is what we have done to the earth’s ecosystem, its web of life. Because of our prolific capacity for heedless pollution, nature is fast losing her capacity to regenerate herself and restore the web of life, and may one day fail to support us. The natural world is our foundation. Our continued existence is impossible without its embrace.

The Web of Life

Why is it that as human beings we hurt and destroy nearly everything we touch? Could it be because we are out of touch with our true nature and have no respect for or sensitivity to things, species, and people outside of ourselves? We’re not the only show in town or the only species on the planet. When we uproot and destroy everything in our path in the name of profit and power, we sow the seeds of our own destruction. Life is a web, and all species on the planet, including us, are contained and connected within that web of life. Destroy one part of that intricate network and the web of life is suddenly out of balance.

Without systemic balance, all the individual elements of the web of life will eventually suffer. Interfere with the ability of several elements of the web of life to function as intended, and that suffering will come much faster and cut much deeper. We may well be at that point now. The overriding ecological question of our time is whether or not we have reached the point of no return. Is there still time for us to rise to the challenge, overcome the polarization that plagues us, and save ourselves, the web of  life and our fragile ecosystem from overwhelming degradation?

web of life pollution
Degradation of the Ecosystem

Of course, the degradation of the ecosystem and the web of life contribute to the rise of epidemics. When we rip the web of life asunder, pollute the environment, and make the world more toxic, we create the conditions for that toxicity to come back to haunt us. When we destroy our foundation, the web of life, we put our future at risk. In a famous and controversial speech made in 1854, but not reported on until thirty-three years later, Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Indians was attributed with the following remarks: “Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth. We did not weave the web of life; we are merely strands in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”

This post is excerpted from JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? by Alan Mesher


Polarization and the Planetary Control System


Industrial Dawn


As a new century dawns, the worldwide trend toward polarization is particularly worrisome and has reached epidemic proportions already. The disturbing trend toward political, economic, religious, and social polarization continues to grow unabated in every sphere of life. The gaps that divide us continue to grow larger, and the emotional distance that separates us continues to grow wider. There is little remaining cohesion to hold us together. What common ground we do share, shrinks beneath our feet. Polarization spares no one. It fractures everything and everyone. Polarization is end result of a divide and conquer strategy that the secret masters of the world have used to bring humanity to its knees. Our fear and anger make them stronger and right now the world is sinking into a morass of these highly-charged negative emotions. The 1% thrive. The 99% barely survive.

The Exponential Leap

With every passing day and every new upheaval the polarization of this planet leaps exponentially;  distances between people continue to grow, cohesion continues to erode, and a peaceful future slips further from our grasp. Extreme selfishness has replaced respect for the common good. We have less in common than we ever have. Turmoil, hostility, and conflict are at a high pitch, sweeping over our small planet with alarming ease. Nothing seems able to slow the rising wave of negativity and polarization. Everywhere, on every continent and in every country, people feel a deep sense of foreboding about the future. No one is immune from the corrosive anxiety, the loss of innocence, and the increasing toxicity of our times that polarization creates.

It is as if a dark tide were gathering its strength, while we stand helpless in the rising water, waiting for the deluge that seems certain to come. Many fear that this time it might be too late to save the world from itself. In the meantime, we stand shivering in the cold currents of our time, unprotected and vulnerable, facing a worldwide epidemic of conflict, polarization, frenzy, and rage.


The Negative Momentum of Our Times

When an individual acts out his rage there are no winners. Everyone loses. The impact of isolated incidents of violence contributes to the flood of darkness sweeping over the world and encourages others, who are also unstable and full of rage, to commit similar atrocities. Terrible acts committed by unstable people, lead to more unstable people committing terrible acts. This is one way a negative trend starts. The psychic atmosphere of the globe becomes polluted by the increasing sum of terrible acts and encourages ever more horrible atrocities. Violence and instability are the legacy of polarization.

Lost Souls

The world is full of lost souls. If we lose sight of the inner person, we lose our way in life. “What does it profit a man,” Christ once asked, “to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” The answer is devastatingly simple. It profits him nothing.

In a polarized world the number of lost souls increases rapidly. This is what the secret masters of the world want. A planet full of broken people and demoralized societies is easy to control. Broken people won’t resist tyranny and enslavement. In fact, they won’t ever realize they have been enslaved. When people are controlled by fear and have no access to the strength and light in their soul they will believe whatever lies the authorities tell them. Welcome to the future world of polarization.


Brilliant Sun

How to Reclaim Your Power

One of the most powerful steps an individual can take in a climate of fear, instability and polarization is to reclaim his soul connection. People who have unified their soul and mind, creating a soul-mind, are independent, think for themselves, and stand in their light and power. People who have developed their soul-mind cannot be controlled or contaminated by the polarization virus that afflicts the great majority of humanity. They are the hope of the future.

If you want to reclaim your soul-mind start with the 3% Solution Exercise. It’s simple, but will produce powerful results. You will find it in this post.

Orthodox Religion, Mystic Tradition



Conventional Religion

The great religions of the west have consistently taught their congregations that the divine exists outside of and separate from them; that they are weak and sinful; and that the church is their only legitimate avenue to redemption and salvation. Over time these teachings have created a deep sense of dependence on the church and a compelling, almost irreversible belief in personal guilt. To the extent that these teachings have empowered the church they have disempowered the individual. Instead of teaching the doctrine of divine connection, and uplifting and transforming the masses, these teachings have sought to discredit the nature of human potential.

The Time of Blind Obedience is Over

We now live in a time when more people are better educated, affluent, and informed than ever before. The pace of social and technological change in the world continues to accelerate. Everything is in flux. The culture is rapidly changing. The old order is being questioned and challenged as it never was before. Nothing is sacred. The time of blind, unquestioning obedience is over. People are eager to improve their lives, find peace and happiness, and experience the divine connection the church has intentionally denied them. As more people seek to transform their lives  and experience their divine potential they have come to the realization that guilt and dependence will not help them go forward, but will lead instead to further weakness, confusion, and suffering. More and more people are determined to find a personal connection to divinity and leave their pain and darkness far behind them. As this movement accelerates Church dogma becomes less and less relevant. If the divine is everywhere and in everything it is also in us.

Divine joy

Wisdom Traditions

The ancient wisdom traditions of both East and West have a different perspective on human nature and man’s relationship to divine authority than the views offered by conventional religion. For thousands of years these wisdom teachings have said that the Divine light dwells in each of us and that there is no real separation between man and God but that which we create ourselves. The main purpose of life is to forge our connection to the Divine. As we develop that connection, the power of the Divine flows down into us. As divine power flows into us it lifts us up, helping us evolve into the person we were always meant to be. As we continue to grow, and our capacity to hold more Divine light expands, we become a conduit of unconditional love and compassion to those in need.

The Mystical View of Human Nature

According to the mystic view of human nature we are not sinful, dependent, and weak, but extraordinary beings capable of great luminosity and divine love. If we are to fulfill our true potential, the Divine does not want us to be wracked with guilt over our innate sinfulness, but rather, to find our oneness with Him. Where orthodox religions indoctrinated their followers into belief systems that may limit their inner potential, the ancient mystical traditions developed methods of personal transformation that fulfill that divine potential.

Access to our  light and divinity is certainly a great advantage to have when we are faced with a rapidly changing world, great unrest, high stress, deepening anxiety, and a climate of contagious uncertainty. That advantage is one of the reasons why there has been so much interest in mysticism and alternate approaches to divinity in the west.

This is an excerpt from Alan Mesher’s book, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

Resistance and Acceptance Part 2


The road to peace is simple. That does not mean it is easy.

When we find our pain we must embrace it completely.

Until we become one with our pain we will be unable to

release it. If we don’t release our pain,

we will never find peace.



The Wise Man is at Peace

Knowing this, the wise man resolutely faces himself,

fully feels his pain, and goes free. He becomes strong

and complete. His mind is clear and at peace.

The Fool is not at Peace

Fearing this, the foolish man deceives himself, denies

his pain, and diminishes his power. He remains in

harm’s way, beaten down by that which binds him.

Because of his self-deception, he grows even weaker and

more incomplete. His rage never ends. He will never find peace.


The world is full of fools and ruled by fools.

That which is in short supply and most needed

in this world is wisdom.

If you are not in tune with your soul,

you may have great intelligence

but you will lack wisdom.

This combination leads to great ego

and separates you farther from your soul.

You may own the world but

you will never know peace.

 Your Mission

Your mission is to find your soul

and be part of the solution to the world’s plight,

not part of the problem that has enslaved the world.

It takes a brave person to step off the conventional carousel and find peace.

It’s  time  to be brave.

Tomorrow will be too late.

 World Peace

The world will be at peace when we become peaceful.

To find inner peace we must face ourselves, and remove

the source of our resistance.

It is far better to face ourselves than it is to continually

blame others for our predicament.

The Future is in Our Hands

Blame makes the negative the ruling power in our lives.

When we find inner peace, the solutions to our

problems are clear and obvious.

The future of the world is in our hands.

If we don’t find inner peace, who will?

We are the world.

When we save ourselves, we save the world.

The time to act is now, not later.

We are too close to losing the future.