Karma and Accountability Part 2

Karma and Accountability

We do not operate in a vacuum. What we do to others and what we do to the world, life one day will do to us. We are all accountable for our actions. Everything we do, the good as well as the bad, will eventually come home to us. Our actions are an investment in our future. We never escape our karma. Rumi, the great mystical poet of the fourteenth century, put the notion of karmic accountability in these terms: “If you cause injury to someone, you draw that same injury to yourself.”

Taking this fundamental truth under consideration, our strategy should be to proceed thoughtfully and deliberately in our lives. We should be compassionate, sensitive, and clear in what we do and why we do it. Being deliberate and in control of our emotions is far superior to being impulsive and controlled by momentary desires. The wise person lives by The Golden Rule and will “do unto others as he would have them do unto him.”

The Law of Consequences

If our actions have been destructive to other people’s well-being, all our attempts to deny our activities, discredit others, and distance ourselves from the repercussions of our actions will prove futile in the end. There is no escaping the long reach of universal law. The Law of Consequences, or Karma, makes no exceptions for anyone. We are all equal under that law. Karma has no favorites. God cannot be bribed or placated. What we do now determines what life will bring us later. We are responsible for our destiny.

Karma and the Long Term

Sometimes, however, it might seem that universal law does not work as advertised. Many ruthless killers throughout history became powerful and rich, and led privileged lives. Some ruled countries. A few created empires. Several were celebrated. Where, then, are the consequences to their actions? They seem to have been rewarded for their inhumanity rather than punished for their crimes.

What must not be forgotten is that universal law applies to the long term as well as the short term. The consequences for actions against humanity are not always immediate. The Law of Consequences determines the timing of karmic events. It manifests our karma when it deems that the conditions are right for us to be confronted with the experience we created for ourselves.

karma and Nixon


Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon, for example, won many elections by spreading lies and ruthlessly destroying the reputations of his opponents. In his early political career it seemed like a successful strategy, enabling him to swiftly climb the political ladder from congressman to Vice-President of the United States. His karma did not come back to haunt him until the zenith of his political career when he was re-elected President of the United States in a landslide victory in 1970, winning every state’s electoral votes but Massachusetts. Then came Watergate. Two years after his triumphant re-election, he was forced to resign his high office in dis- grace. The man who had destroyed the reputation and careers of others had now destroyed his own.

If Nixon’s karma had come back to him when he had first created it, his humiliation would have occurred on a local scale, been noted in the local papers, and then quickly forgotten. Instead, the Law of Consequences waited until he had reached the pinnacle of his career and attained the high office he had lusted after for decades before manifesting his karma. His humiliation occurred on the world stage under the glare of the world media, rather than on the inside pages of the local paper. The Law of Consequences is very patient. Its timing is impeccable, and it never fails to find us.

The Rush Toward Martial Law


martial law

Russain Soldiers Goose Stepping

Martial Law in America

Is martial law coming soon to America? The pace to create the legal context  for such a draconian step has definitely quickened.  In December the Senate passed the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act. This new bill defines  America as a battlefield and declares every American citizen a potential enemy combatant.  Not only that, if as an American citizen you are detained as an enemy combatant you have no recourse to an attorney or to a trial. You can be held indefinitely at the sole discretion of the government. Obama threatened to veto the bill,  not because it was unconstitutional, but because it was not strong enough to suit him. Obama himself  demanded the language defining Amercian citizens as enemy combatants be inserted into the bill. According to Sen. Carl Levin, the senate did not want to include such language in the bill. Regardless, the Senate  submitted to the President’s demand with only token resistance. Oh, our lovely craven congress. Then when he signed the bill Obama said he would never use it. If he never intends to use it why did he insist on such strong language in the first place and why did he sign it? Someting doesn’t add up. Step one to martial law.

The FAA Reauthorization Act

Then, a few weeks ago the Congress passed the Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act. This new bill calls for placing 30,000 drones in the skies of America by 2020. I guess that means that since our country is now a battlefield steps must be taken to win the war. But what are we fighting against? Exactly who is the enemy? Where is he? And how can he be defined?  Will these drones hover over our cities and homes like they now hover over Afghanistan, Iraq and other Islamic states? Step two to martial law.

An Executive Order that Will Live in Infamy

Then on Friday March 16, 2012 Obama signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order.  a day that will live in infamy. This executive order  grants the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense and other agencies complete control of all US resources, including the ability to seize, confiscate or re-delegate resources, materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense. This executive order is the blueprint for peacetime martial law. Step three to martial law.

All that is missing to activate these three pieces of shocking legislation a precipitating event. What does the government know that it is not telling us? Is this why more than two thousand FEMA  detention camps  have been built all across America? Is martial law coming to America? Is this step four to martial law?

What do you think the precipitating event that could usher in martial law will be? When do you think it might happen? Or do you think nothing will happen and America will go on as before, distracted by the Kardashians, reality TV, American Idol, and pornography, remaining sound asleep to the danger gathering quietly on our own shores.

Leave your comments.

The Surveillance Society: Online Incursions into Your Privacy

Surveillance and Google

Online Surveillance

The drumbeat of online surveillance continues to beat louder, a long tail with no forseeable end.  According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, Google overrrode the privacy settings on Safari, Apple’s web browser, to put tracking cookies on user’s hard drives.  According to Robert D Steele, a former CIA agent, Google was funded in part by the CIA. Writing on prisonplanet.com, Paul J Watson writes that “Google is also working with the government to use microphones in the computers of an estimated 150 million-plus Internet active Americans to spy on their lifestyle choices and build psychological profiles which will be used for surveillance and minority report style invasive advertising and data mining.”  This surveillance strategy goes beyond your computer, to your cable TV box and your Tivo. There are microphones in cable boxes that were activated in 2006. Big Brother is listening and furthering its surveillance practices while you watch TV and are on your computer. There are also gps chips in your cell phone and in your car to continue monitoring your movements when you are away from your computer  or TV. The government can also listen in on your private conversations with other people through your cell phone, even when you are not talking on your phone and your phone is turned off! We live indeed in a surveillance society.

Twitter, Facebook and Datasift

Twitter recently sold every tweet ever made to Datasift. Datasift said they are close to making a similar deal with Facebook. Datasift plans on selling this information to any company that wants to buy it. That means not only marketing companies, but government intelligence agencies. Think NSA, CIA. Maybe even Mossad, MI6 and the Russian security agencies. Surveillance for everyone, no exceptions. Wherever you go. Whatever you do. You are being watched, monitored and listened to. The dark shadowof total surveillance follows us wherever we go.

Why You Shouldn’t Give Away Personal Information

Google has over 2 billions users, Facebook has over 845 million users, and Twitter has over 300 million users. If you use these sites, you’re giving them  reams of free data about your habits, your relationships, where you live, your interests etc. Don’t think you have nothing to hide. You never know how and when that data might be  used against you.  Much of this information is furhterlisted at sites like Spokeo which lists where you live, who lives with you , your age etc. For a low fee people can get access to all sorts of information about you that you would rather keep to yourself.

We live in a surveillance society. Think before  you speak and  before you tap your keyboard. The less personal information you share online the better.


Your Health: The Dangers of Wheat


Wheat Field

Wheat is a Hybrid Crop

The wheat you eat is not the same grain your parents and grandparents ate fifty years ago. The wheat you consume today is a scientifically engineered hybrid crop. It has been designed to be drought resistant. Hybrid wheat is more dangerous to your health than sugar. Eating four slices of wheat bread will do more  harm to your blood sugar than consuming four teaspoons of sugar.

According to Dr David Blyweiss hybrid wheat contains:

  • a hyper-gluten that’s hyper-inflammatory
  • a hyper-starch (amylopectin A) that’s hyper-fattening, and as an added bonus,
  • it processes into gluteomorphin, which is addictive… and makes you crave more!

Wheat and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Wheat and the other gluten containing grains – barley, rye, also cause leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome allows substances such as toxins, microbes, undigested food, waste, or larger than normal macromolecules to leak through an abnormally permeable gut wall. The permeability is caused by glutenous grain particles creating tiny holes in the gut wall. This leads to auto immune reactions: vague aches and pains in the joints, brain fog, low energy and weight gain among others. Because hybrid wheat causes blood sugar spikes it is, along with high fructose corn syrup, a major contributor to the world wide epidemic of diabetes.
Get off wheat and most if not all of those symptoms will disappear. When I got off wheat I lost fifteen pounds effortlessly.

Wheat Replacements

So what do you eat to replace wheat? Try these gluten free grains. Millet, buckwheat, brown rice, and quinoa. Quinoa makes a great cooked cereal for breakfast. It is very high in protein. Millet will help to make  your body more alkaline. Buckwheat is not a form of wheat. It is actually a member of the rhubarb family and makes great pancakes!
So start today. Dump wheat from your diet and you will soon feel better.

Bill Gates, Monsanto and the GM debacle

GMO Investor

Gates Monsanto Investment in GMO Seeds

Bill Gates recently invested approximately twenty seven million dollars in Monsanto stock. Gates feels GMO seeds and crops are the only way to feed the world’s burgeoning population. He wants to see GMO seeds and crops planted throughout Africa, where Monsanto is making a big push. GMO crops are already grown on wildlife and nature refuges in the U.S.

GMO Crops and Sterility

Gates is no fool. I’m sure he’s studied the research and knows that in mice fed GMO crops infant mortality rose hugely in the second generation. By the third generation the males’ testicles had shrunk and they had become sterile. If you want to control the world population feed them GMO foods. If the experimental findings with mice translate to the human population, in the second generation many babies will be stillborn. By the third generation most males will be infertile. GMO foods will reduce the world’s population significantly. Here we have another case of double speak by the PTB. Instead of feeding and sustaining the world’s population GMO foods will reduce the population. By forcing farmers to grow GM foods and consumers to eat GMO foods the PTB will control the world’s food supply and reap huge profits while reducing the world’s population. A perfect double play for the PTB.

GMO and agent orange

Agent Orange

Agent Orange and GM crops

In more GM news, Agent Orange is making a comeback. Originally used in the Vietnam War to defoliate the countryside it also poisoned countless American soldiers and Vietnamese citizens. Now Dow Agroscience has applied to the Dept of Agriculture to spray Agent Orange on GMO corn. Now you will have the opportunity to eat a toxic food topped off with highly toxic pesticide. Lovely!!

Government and Corporate Collusion

Meanwhile the carousel of Monsanto officials inhabiting important government positions keeps on spinning as it has for many years. If you’ve ever doubted government and corporation collusion google Monsanto officials in government. Unless I’m mistaken, that kind of collusion between powerful corporations and government is known as fascism. Monsanto is a prime example of how a corporation uses the federal government to further its goals and policies, in this case the proliferation of GMO crops. Those GMO policies benefit Monsanto, not the citizens of the United States whom the federal government is sworn to protect. Monsanto will grow richer and more powerful in its quest to control the world’s food supply. Americans and everyone else will grow sicker.


Sharia Law Comes to America

sharia law


Sharia Law in PA.

Sharia Law, or the law according to Islam, has officially arrived in America with the force of a nuclear blast. Recently, in Mechanicsburg Pa.,  Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran and a convert to Islam, threw out at an assault case stemming from a fracas at a Halloween parade. Nothing new in that. Cases get thrown out of court  all the time. What’s new in this case were  the grounds for dismissal. Sharia Law.

The Zombie Muhammed Marcher

A marcher, Ernest Perce, was dressed up as a Zombie Muhammed. Marching next to him was another man dressed up as a Zombie Pope. A Muslim in the crowd, Talaag Elbayomy, attacked the man marching as a Zombie Muhammed. Mr. Elbayomy was arrested by the police and charged with harassment. Mr Elbayomy admitted to the police that he had indeed attacked Mr Perce.

Despite what seemed an open and shut case, Judge Martin threw out the case on the grounds that Mr. Elbayomy was obligated to attack the Zombie Muhammed marcher because of his Islamic faith. According to Judge Martin, Mr Elbayomy  had the right to stand up for his religion, and that First Amendment free speech rights did not allow for people to make whatever remarks they please without considering another person’s cultural sensitivities. According to Judge Martin, Sharia law trumps the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

First Amendment Violation

Really Judge? Since when? During his ruling Judge Martin called Mr. Perce, the Zombie marcher a “doofus.” If we follow Judge Martin’s interpretation of the first amendment and apply it to his comments regarding Mr Perce, we are forced to conclude that he violated Mr Perce’s first amendment rights  and “cultural sensitivities” by calling him a “doofus.”  If we follow Judge Martin’s logic to its extreme conclusion, then by calling Mr Perce a “doofus” he granted Mr Perce the right to assault him! In essence, Judge Martin’s Sharia law interpretation of the first amendment of the US Constitution also indicts the good Judge himself. Guilty by his own hand. This is one confused Judge.

In his determination Judge Martin declared that Mr. Perce, the “Zombie” Muhammed marcher, was the perpetrator and that Mr. Elbayomy  was innocent. Lovely. What’s next in America?

Constitutional Law

Meanwhile, no devout Catholic attacked the “Zombie” Pope marcher. In fact, no American born citizen attacked anyone. If Mr. Elbayomy wants to reside in America he must obey our laws, pure and simple. Sharia law has no place here. This is not a muslim country. We have civil law. We are a democracy, not a theocracy. Judge Martin has demonstrated his lack of fitness to serve on the bench with his blatant bias against Mr. Perce and his decision to place Sharia law above U.S. Constitutional law. In his oath of office he promised to adhere to the laws of the land and obey the Constitution. Judge Martin failed to act in accordance with his oath of office and should be removed from the bench. He is not fit to serve.

New Developments in the Case

The incident has since sparked a furor in the Mechanicsburg PA area. Yesterday, February 28,2012, Judge Martin and his entire staff were relocated to York PA. I doubt that the good Judge will be re-elected. With a little common sense, he won’t even bother to run for re-election. But since he showed no evidence of common sense, let alone judicial sense, in his handling of this case one must wonder if he will show good judgment when it comes time to run once more for office or step down and resign his post.

When he is no longer in office he will have time to reacquaint himself with our constitution and perhaps even understand that Sharia law has no place in a democratic country. But given his mentality, that might be too much to hope for. If Sharia law ever gets traction in this country, it is indeed a sign that our democratic institutions are  democratic in name only and our country is in grave danger.

You can read more about this case here.



Whole Foods GMO Update

GM Food at Whole Foods Market

GMO Food at Whole Foods

The following update on the Whole Foods Market GMO controversy comes courtesy of the Organic Consumers Association:

“Whole Foods Market is a founding member of the Non-GMO Project, and yet, since 2009, WFM have only verified approximately 382 of their 2600 store brand “365” products as “Non-GMO.” The average WFM grocery carries between 20,000 to 50,000 items, of which only 30-40% are certified organic. The rest of their products, typically marketed as “natural,” include thousands of processed foods and animal products containing genetically modified ingredients or raised on genetically engineered animal feed. Of course Safeway, Publix, Wal-Mart and other supermarkets are far worse than Whole Foods – selling fewer organic products and even more GMO-tainted fare – but since Whole Foods claims to be an ethical leader in the marketplace and a champion of GMO labeling, they should be leading the charge for GMO labeling instead of pretending that the “Non-GMO Project” takes the place of mandatory labeling.”

The fact that only 30-40% of the products sold at Whole Foods are organic is very troubling. That means you are paying premium prices for food laced with GE and GM ingredients. People don’t refer to it as Whole Paycheck for nothing. Shopper beware.

The New Reality of Being a Single Mother

single mother

The Single Mother Syndrome

More children are born to a single mother than ever before. An article in the New York Times dated February 17, 2012 reported on the development of the single mother household. Here are some key statistics they uncovered.  41% of all children in the United States are born outside of marriage to a single mother. The figure rises to 53% for  women under thirty.

Here is a breakdown of those numbers. 73% of black children are born outside marriage to a single mother, compared with 53 % of Latinos and 29 % of whites.

The Consequences of Being Raised in a Single Parent Household

Regarding the consequences of the single mother  trend, The NY Times article said, “The shift is affecting children’s lives. Researchers have consistently found that children born outside marriage face elevated risks of falling into poverty, failing in school or suffering emotional and behavioral problems.”

Why is this happening? Opinions vary. The article states, “Liberal analysts argue that shrinking paychecks have thinned the ranks of marriageable men, while conservatives often say that the sexual revolution reduced the incentive to wed and that safety net programs discourage marriage.”

In an op-ed piece in the NY Times dated Feb 20, 2012 , David Brooks,  Times columnist, wrote his opinion on the trend to single mother households. “.. today, as Eric Klinenberg reminds us in his book, “Going Solo,” more than 50 percent of adults are single,” wrote Brooks. “Twenty-eight percent of households nationwide consist of just one person. There are more single-person households than there are married-with-children households. In cities like Denver, Washington and Atlanta, more than 40 percent of the households are one-person dwellings. In Manhattan, roughly half the households are solos.”

The Maximization of Talent

Brooks ascribes this demographic shift to the “maximization of talent.” Again, quoting Brooks,”People want more space to develop their own individual talents. They want more flexibility to explore their own interests and develop their own identities, lifestyles and capacities. They are more impatient with situations that they find stifling.”

Interesting. Here’s more from Brooks. “Today, the fast flexible and diverse networks allow the ambitious and the gifted to surf through amazing possibilities. They are able to construct richer, more varied lives. They are able to enjoy interesting information-age workplaces and then go home and find serenity in a one-bedroom apartment.”

What Serenity?

Frankly, I wonder about all that serenity. I consult with people of all ages and income levels. Virtually everyone of the single men and women I speak to aches to be in a healthy long-term relationship. In my experience, people will never stop searching for love and stability in their lives.

One of the problems that prevents healthy relationships from forming is that so many people, both men and women, are emotionally dysfunctional. Women complain about men who are narcissistic and psychopathic, or weak men who want to qualify them by their economic status before they date them, or men who want to sleep with them immediately. If they don’t, the next girl will. Men complain about women who are self-absorbed, not feminine and have nothing to give them. They characterize American women as men without  penises. They are tired of giving and getting little or nothing in return. Many men complain that American women have no clue about how to nurture a man. They have given up on American women and seek women from other cultures who have retained their femininity.

Clearly, we’re in trouble in America. The nuclear family appears to be a dying institution. The statistics about the single mother phenomenon seems to confirm that trend.  Lonely, dysfunctional, confused people are easy to control. One of the main tenets of Communism is to destroy the family and make the individual dependent on the state. The single mother phenomenon certainly points in that direction. Could that be what’s really happening here?









Drones Coming to Your Neighborhood


Drones in American Skies

Unmanned drones will soon be hovering over your neighborhood. The Congress of the United States just passed the FAA Reauthorization Act. This bill gives the Federal Aviation Authority the right to use drone technology over the skies of America. The FAA estimates that there will be 30,000 unobservable drones observing you by 2020. That’s right, 30,ooo drones watching your every move! It’s not a typo.

The Destruction of Our Civil Rights

Adding insult to injury, the taxes you have to pay to the Federal Government  will be used to surveil you with drones 24/7.  In other words, you are paying the federal government to intrude into your life and watch you in unobservable drones , wherever you are and wherever you go. Whatever happened to your constitutional rights and civil liberties? That’s easy. Since 9/11 and the introduction of the Patriot Act, your civil rights have slowly disappeared. Drip. Drip. Drip. One freedom gone. Then another. Then another. We no longer live in a constitutional republic. While the public’s attention is diverted by sports, reality TV, celebrity breakdowns, and the omnipresent first family of America, – (I don’t refer to the Obamas but to the Kardashians because they’re more omnipresent than the President and far richer than he is.How sick is that?) – democracy is being quietly replaced with a totalitarian fascist state.

drones Obama and FAA Reauthorization Act

President Obama

The NDAA Revisited

A few short weeks ago, Obama signed the NDAA (The National Defense Authorization Act) into law. First, he said he would veto it, not because it was blatantly unconstitutional, but because it didn’t go far enough. When he finally signed it, he rather disingenuously said he would never use it. Yet ,during the earlier congressional debate over the proposed legislation, Obama insisted that the Congress insert language into the bill that would label every American citizen an enemy combatants. The final version of the NDAA, which Obama signed, defines America as a battlefield and all American citizens as enemy combatants.

Now we have the FAA Reauthorization Act. Does anyone see the connection? Soon we will have 30,000 unobservable drones patrolling the skies of the American battlefield looking for American enemy combatants. Drip. Drip. The hidden agenda is rolled out one step at a time. Chilling and Orwellian, don’t you think?

FEMA Camps

In the 1980’s President Reagan authorized the building of approximately 2500 FEMA internment camps. What in God’s name are they for? The answer is slowly coming into focus. These concentration type camps are, in all likliehood, for all the enemy combatants the administration plans to find in America. The drones are coming.

Are these new laws part of Obama’s “Change you can believe in”?


Legalized Pedophilia in the UK


Beautiful Young Girl: Let's Keep Her Safe

Legalizing Pedophilia

An article appeared in the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK this past weekend describing how the stage is being set to legalize pedophilia in Britain. Like all the plans put out by the ruling elite, this policy is part of the drip by drip strategy they employ to move the chains forward toward their goal. By introducing small, incremental changes, the populace adjusts to those changes and accepts the small, seemingly incremental shifts in the social order. Eventually, those small shifts result in huge changes in the way people are conditioned to act and behave.

Random or Intentional?

Do you think the moral degradation of our society is an accident? Do you think the prevalence and easy availability of drugs is a coincidence? Do you think the ubiquitousness of pornography is random? Do you think the omnipresence of pedophilia  is a divergence from the norm? If you do, think again. These are all parts of an agenda to degrade society and turn people into drug and sex addicts who are incapable both of having and sustaining healthy relationships. If people do not have strong families to support and sustain them they are easy to control, program, and turn into robots doing the will of the global controllers. This is how the elite proceeds toward their goal of a perverted society serving the will of a  totalitarian new world order.

Behind the Scenes

The political corporate banking elite that run the world from behind the scenes are proponents of pedophilia. Pedophilia is a cornerstone of their secret society. In Britian the authorities are fitting contraceptive implants in 13-year-old girls. The age of consent in the UK is sixteen. Why are they doing this to thirteen year old girls? To encourage promiscuity and have these children sexually active before the legal age of consent is reached?

This policy is being enacted by doctors and nurses in the schools without parental consent and without informing the parents once the implant has been embedded in their daughters’ body. Who gave them the right to do this? How can something so monstrous be sanctioned by the state? How can it be government policy? Do you really think the government is looking out for your interests?


This is further evidence of the totalitarian new world order that is being rolled out in front of our eyes. We are being systematically stripped of our rights while we watch TV, smoke dope and root for our favorite sports team. Just as the Roman Emperors employed the strategy of bread and circus to divert the attention of the populace, the elite uses entertainment to divert the masses from seeing the net that is being created around them. Promiscuity, drugs, a skyrocketing divorce rate, rising crime, pedophilia. Drip, drip, drip. Where will it end? That’s something you need to think seriously about. Particularly if you have children. What kind of world are they going to inherit?

It Will Happen Everywhere

Don’t think that because this move towards pedophilia is happening in the UK it won’t happen in America and other countries. All countries are linked behind the scenes in the net of the global controllers. They are a giant octopus siphoning off and destroying what goodness remains in the world. However, if humanity wakes up in time we can put an end to this satanic agenda, reclaim the future and bring peace and health back to this world.

You can read the Daily Mail article here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2099857/PETER-HITCHENS-How-does-State-away-grooming-13-year-old-girls-illegal-underage-sex.html