Special Sale: Two for the Price of One!
These two CD’s, HARMONY & BALANCE and VITALITY are unique. There is nothing like them anywhere. The audio tracks contain soothing light jazz composed by Hollywood composer Lindsay Gillis. Beneath the audio tracks are special tracks that incorporate the same high intensity healing power that flows through me in my personal consultations. You won’t hear this energy, but you will feel it. It will affect every organ in your body, harmonize your chakras and clear your energy field of psychic debris. These CD’s will help you sleep, overcome depression, create peaceful outcomes to volatile situations, defuse anger, and create clarity and balance. If used in business they will bring peace, happiness and clear energy to the workplace and increase sales. If used in the classroom they will create a calm environment and help students learn. These CD’s will energize and center you, clear your mind and give you the power to elevate your life.