
Three Karmic Principles

The First Principle of Karma

Richard Nixon’s fall from grace reveals three important principles of the Law of Consequence. The first principle is that the energy we amass in our spiritual bankbook over our lifetime is more powerful than any position of power we might hold. Nothing will shield us from our karma when the time has come to pay for our actions.

The Second Principle of Karma

The second principle is that the Law of Consequences is infinitely patient. It manifests when the timing is right for it to produce the necessary effect in the life of the person who created the karma. Its intent is to shock the person who has brought that negative karma on himself into changing his ways. In the process of actualizing an individual’s negative karma, the Law of Consequences will often deprive that person of what he desires and values most.

The Third Principle

The third principle of the Law of Consequences is implied in the two previous ones. What happens in the invisible world of energy determines what will happen in the manifested world of experience. What we do in the here and now creates a mass of energy that determines what life will later do to us. Nothing happens in a vacuum or without consequences. Our past and present actions are connected to our future experiences. Those causative actions have consequences that will reverberate in our lives long after they have been forgotten.
The only control we can exercise over the future is limited by what we have done in the past and by what we choose to do now. The wise person understands the working of the Law of Consequences and chooses to live his life as constructively as possible. By acting unselfishly with honor, compassion, strength, and integrity, the wise person helps others, contributes to the well-being of the world, and guards the future.

3 Principles of Karma


Three  principles of karma control much of our life experience.

  • The core concern of  the law of karma is the restoration of balance. When we suffer the pain we once caused someone else, we are being given a critical opportunity to increase our sensitivity to the sufferings of others and to also learn respect for the sanctity of lives other than our own. If we learn from the suffering our past actions have brought upon us, we can restore our balance and complete our karma with respect to that particular issue. If we do not learn from our suffering, our suffering will continue until we do. Once our karma has been set in motion, the only control we have over it is how long it will take us to learn from it.
  •  When we strengthen the negative side of our being, we lengthen our evolutionary journey. Add to our karma, and we may well be adding to the number of lifetimes that are necessary to complete our growth and realize our true identity. Even if we don’t add to the number of our lifetimes, we will certainly add to the weight of karma we must work out of our system in this lifetime. The more karmic weight we carry, the more unhappy and lost we will be, and the more the negative side of experience will dominate our lives.
  • When we add to our karma, we slow our life momentum. The opposite of this karmic principle is also true. When we clear up our unconscious toxicity, our life begins to accelerate. We gain spiritual traction and develop positive life momentum. Our consciousness begins to grow and expand. Our inner light becomes brighter. We begin to get a glimpse of who we really are and experience a greater sense of happiness and inner peace than we had previously known. However, if we still insist on creating more negative karma, none of these positive developments will occur. Upward momentum will wither and fail. Traction will disappear. Inertia will set in. Discouragement and anxiety will become our constant companions and new layers of pain and darkness will obscure the truth of our being. This is the fruit of negative karma.

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Karma and Accountability Part 2

Karma and Accountability

We do not operate in a vacuum. What we do to others and what we do to the world, life one day will do to us. We are all accountable for our actions. Everything we do, the good as well as the bad, will eventually come home to us. Our actions are an investment in our future. We never escape our karma. Rumi, the great mystical poet of the fourteenth century, put the notion of karmic accountability in these terms: “If you cause injury to someone, you draw that same injury to yourself.”

Taking this fundamental truth under consideration, our strategy should be to proceed thoughtfully and deliberately in our lives. We should be compassionate, sensitive, and clear in what we do and why we do it. Being deliberate and in control of our emotions is far superior to being impulsive and controlled by momentary desires. The wise person lives by The Golden Rule and will “do unto others as he would have them do unto him.”

The Law of Consequences

If our actions have been destructive to other people’s well-being, all our attempts to deny our activities, discredit others, and distance ourselves from the repercussions of our actions will prove futile in the end. There is no escaping the long reach of universal law. The Law of Consequences, or Karma, makes no exceptions for anyone. We are all equal under that law. Karma has no favorites. God cannot be bribed or placated. What we do now determines what life will bring us later. We are responsible for our destiny.

Karma and the Long Term

Sometimes, however, it might seem that universal law does not work as advertised. Many ruthless killers throughout history became powerful and rich, and led privileged lives. Some ruled countries. A few created empires. Several were celebrated. Where, then, are the consequences to their actions? They seem to have been rewarded for their inhumanity rather than punished for their crimes.

What must not be forgotten is that universal law applies to the long term as well as the short term. The consequences for actions against humanity are not always immediate. The Law of Consequences determines the timing of karmic events. It manifests our karma when it deems that the conditions are right for us to be confronted with the experience we created for ourselves.

karma and Nixon

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon, for example, won many elections by spreading lies and ruthlessly destroying the reputations of his opponents. In his early political career it seemed like a successful strategy, enabling him to swiftly climb the political ladder from congressman to Vice-President of the United States. His karma did not come back to haunt him until the zenith of his political career when he was re-elected President of the United States in a landslide victory in 1970, winning every state’s electoral votes but Massachusetts. Then came Watergate. Two years after his triumphant re-election, he was forced to resign his high office in dis- grace. The man who had destroyed the reputation and careers of others had now destroyed his own.

If Nixon’s karma had come back to him when he had first created it, his humiliation would have occurred on a local scale, been noted in the local papers, and then quickly forgotten. Instead, the Law of Consequences waited until he had reached the pinnacle of his career and attained the high office he had lusted after for decades before manifesting his karma. His humiliation occurred on the world stage under the glare of the world media, rather than on the inside pages of the local paper. The Law of Consequences is very patient. Its timing is impeccable, and it never fails to find us.

Karma and Accountability

Karma and Justice

Karma and Justice

Karma and Actions

Karma is real. Karma makes us all accountable for our actions. We do not operate in a vacuum. What we do to others and what we do to the world, life one day will do to us. Everything we do, the good as well as the bad, will eventually come home to us. Our actions create our karma, which will find us at some point in the future. We never escape that karma. Rumi, the great mystical poet of the fourteenth century, put the notion of karma and accountability in these terms: “If you cause injury to someone, you draw that same injury to yourself.”

The Golden Rule

Taking this fundamental truth of karma under consideration, our strategy should be to proceed thoughtfully and deliberately in our lives. We should be compassionate, sensitive, and clear in what we do and why we do it. Being deliberate and in control of our emotions is far superior to being impulsive and controlled by momentary desires. The wise person lives by The Golden Rule and will “do unto others as he would have them do unto him,” regardless of the way they have treated him. That way we create positive karma. Positive karma leads to accelerated momentum in our lives.


Negative Karma

If our actions have been destructive to other people’s well-being, all our attempts to deny our activities, discredit others, and distance ourselves from the repercussions of our actions will prove futile. You can never outrun or outfox your karma. Negative karma leads to difficulty, loss, and  sorrow in our lives. There is no escaping the long reach of the Law of Karma. The Law of Consequences, or Karma, makes no exceptions for anyone. We are all equal under that law. Karma has no favorites. God cannot be bribed or placated. What we do now determines what life will bring us later. We are all responsible for our karma and the impact it has on our future.

Karma and Free Will

Karma balances our free will. We can do what we want, but there are always consequences, or karma, for our actions. Knowing this the wise person always takes the highest positive path possible and creates good karma.