Drones Are in Your Neighborhood
The Drones Are Here
The drones are here, and those drones are being deployed in the skies over America. In my last post I suggested that America is like a lobster in a pot of boiling water and every so often the cooks/crooks who run this country turn up the heat a few more degrees. That is certainly happening now.
Shortly before the end of 2011 the Senate passed the NDAA which Obama signed into law. The NDAA declared that America is a battlefield and every American citizen is a potential enemy combatant who can be detained indefinitely with no recourse to an attorney or a trial. Shortly after that lovely piece of legislation was passed Congress and Obama followed with an encore performance, passing and signing into law the FAA Reauthorization Act which calls for 30,000 drones in the skies over America by 2020. Then in March 2012 Obama signed an executive order giving him broad powers to declare martial law in peacetime and take over complete control of the country’s infrastructure: farms, water supplies, reservoirs, factories, power plants etc.
Does this sound like a democratic country to you where the Constitution and Bill of Rights are followed and enforced or does it remind you of something more sinister?
In any event, the flight of the drones has begun. The following information on the drone invasion comes from Simon Black of www.sovereignman.com:
Most Americans are not aware this is happening. The mainstream media will most likely not report it and if they did how many people would really care?